Vektor/Matrix Save
Attention! Some kinds of memory media (e.q. flash cards) only allow a limited number of writing operations!
This function block saves the data from a matrix (vector, single value) into a file.
The elements at the input VX will be saved to the file FName, when a positive going edge occurs at the Trigger input. Additional information like data type and dimension will be stored in the file header to be able to check at load.
The output Num gives the number of saved elements. A negative value indicates an error or shows that the function block is not operating:
-1 | Function block does not operate |
-2 | No file name given |
-3 | Could not open file |
-4 | Number of saved elements differs from elements at VX |
-1000 | Target function not available |
Trigger -> change to HIGH = Save date
Name | I/O | Type(s) | Function |
VX | I | Data type independent | Input vector/matrix |
FName | I | TEXT | File name |
Trigger | I | BIT | Trigger to save date |
Num | O | LONG | Number of saved elements of status information |
The selected data type will be displayed by the assorted color.
Existing files will be overwritten!
The file name must follow the principles of the target system. This covers the conventions for the name itself (e.q. accepted characters) and the use of relative or absolute path information. This function block does not generate sub directories, so trying to create a file in a non existing sub directory will lead to an error.
Some memory media only allow a limited number of writing operations. Heavy use of this function block may destroy such media!