PACcubes goes on the Internet of Things via MQTT

The cloud solution of the PACcubes series is based on the offer of the IBM Internet of Things Foundation. Besides the connectivity of our own devices, the connectivity to devices from other producers is provided.
Documentation: PACcubes and IBM Watson IoT Platform
Device management
- Reboot and update the firmware
- Receive device diagnostics and metadata
- Add and remove devices
Responsive, scalable connectivity
- Use of the MQTT protocol (industry standard) to implement devices and applications
- MQTT has been designed for an efficient real-time data exchange to and from devices
Secure communication
- Securely send and receive commands
- The cryptographic protocol TLS used for communication between the devices and the IoT platform
Storage and access to data
- Access to real-time data
- Storage of historical data
IoT block interface

Communication with the cloud

- The PACcubes Station communicates with the cloud instance of the IBM Internet of Things Foundation
- Connectivity amongst ProSign devices as well as devices from other companies
Simple implementation

- MQTT function blocks that are easy to use
- Publish events and subscribe commands